Wednesday, 15 May 2013




At Last!

New faces of Fansigners are now featured
in my header of my blog!

This photo header serves as my
Banner Blog and it is effective for
the second quarter of the year 2013
(Though it was already late, because the month
April has already done)

So here it is!

Faces for left to right (with their Facebook account):

CONGRATULATIONS to all of you, pretty ladies!


Yup, that's all guys!

See you on my next blog!

God bless! Shalom!


Thursday, 9 May 2013

Vacation Bible School 2013

Here we go!!!!

Another annual event of fun, enjoyment and 
learning of God's word this summer


With its year's theme:

Bugzone: Transformed by our Big God

Yeah! Annualy, Im one of the teachers of this event.
But the difference this time is, I teach Youth (Young teens) instead
of younger onces which I handled before.

So here's our fun filled photos

Enjoy BUGSTERS! :-)

Happy Faces of the kids during their assembly time

♫its a Bugzone....♫

Challenging games that they will go crazy like bees! :-)

Listening stories from the Word of God

And application....

Smile guys!

LEAH Girls: Danica, Sheerdy and Laica

Christian and Vincent with their classmates

Jessie and Yancy finishing their craft

Teachers in action

And after their lessons, fun and games...
They received what they had deserved!

Yeah! That's all I could share, people!

Yup, Its a memorable moment of my summer life!

Thanks for all students, teachers and especically to our Almighty God 
for making this possible!

Thanks for reading, BUGSTER! 


More photos at: